Upcoming EventsMar14Public Comment to the Board Request DeadlineMar15HS Girls Soccer Away Blair Oaks JamboreeMar16CMS Musical Showcase 2pm CpacMar18MS Evaluate Testing ELAMar18HS Baseball Jamboree (V)Mar18(MS Library) Math PD with Heather Noe - D ScrogginsMar19District Board MeetingMar20MS Evaluate Testing MathMar21ES 4th Grade ConcertMar21PD Day STAFFMar21-22HS Girls Soccer Away Blair Oaks shootout (V)Mar21HS Baseball At ST. Elizabeth (V,JV)Mar24-28Spring Break No School Students/StaffMar24HS Boys Golf Away Tolton Catholic Tournament (V)Mar24HS Baseball At Eugene (V,JV)